Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Growing Up

This year I've really noticed that I'm growing up. I actually turned 20. And it wasn't a big deal. Nothing changed, nothing is staying the same, but nothing changed just because I am now 20. This year at school has been challenging. I'm in more challenging classes and things are generally more difficult. But I think I'm handling better than my previous two years, and I like that. I could be doing better of course. But I think better should count for something! I also have a house about 3 blocks from campus. It's FANTASTIC!!!!!!! We love it sooo much! So much better than living in the dorms and I can cook my own food! Generally I feel better, and I'm really liking my major. Yesterday I was wondering why I didn't declare sooner. Really. What else would I be doing? I'm really enjoying this! I LOVE my English classes!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


So just now, I got caught dancing in my room. I know, you're thinking, so what? Isn't that what you always do. And yes, I do dance frequently. But my roomie just texted from below me and heard my floor boards creaking. Not my music. Me and my dancin' feet. So I've stopped for now. But never fear! Choreography will resume tomorrow! Once I get up...

Friday, July 24, 2009


So. Here in Florida. Still. Watching a Nicholas Cage/John Cusack movie, Con Air I believe. My aunt and my cousin are both asleep. One on the couch, and one in my bed. We went to Laser Quest (I ranked 14 out of 25 yay!) and it was fun, and I am very exhausted. It's interesting that the summer is ending soon. I am very ready for school to begin. It's been a good summer all in all, but all things must come to an end. Essentially I have 3 days to pack up my room, if I want to go visit the Marlers (I really do) So that's what I'm going to do. In 3 days, beginning August 3, my room will no longer be mine. No, I'm not getting kicked out, but I'm hardly home to use my room, so why waste that room? It'll be Brandon's and I'm sure he's ready for his own room. Goodness, he graduates next May. Yikes. He'll probably grow a bunch before then too. Well, the movie is winding down, hooray for happy endings!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Girls Camp and Family

I've been back in Florida for about a week and a half now from going home for Girls Camp. As usual, I didn't realize I missed my family until I was in between places. It was really good to be home and to be with my family, I love them so much!
Girls Camp was lots of hard work, but lots of fun too! We made tons of fajitas, and found leftover ways to reuse them! The number one way, being a fajita facial!

Back in Florida, we went down to the Keys, specifically Key West. We walked around and went to the Pirate Museum, Mel Fisher's Museum, and Ernest Hemingway's house(he has 44 cats!) That was lots of fun especially Mel Fisher's Museum with all the sunken treasure! That night were going to go the the Whale Harbor Buffet deal, but instead we went to a Brazilian Steakhouse. BEST MEAL EVER!!!!!! We began with a buffet of all sorts of delicious dishes, and then when we were ready, they came around with 8 different kinds of meat! All you can eat meat!!! Lamb, filet mignon, shrimp, sirloin, etc. OHMYGOODNESSDELICIOUS!!!!!! Then to top it off, I had key lime pie for dessert. I figured since we were in the keys, I should have some and it was really good! One of the guys that was coming around with the meat came up to us right before we left, asked if he could say something, and then he told me that I was the most beautiful, gorgeous girl he's seen. I smiled, thanked him, and promptly turned bright red according to Aunt Melany. It was a good night ;)

Monday, June 22, 2009


So, apparently everyone would like to hear more about the shark here goes!

After the dolphin encounter and we had lunch, we decided to try one of the beaches of the Keys. The problem is that the Keys aren't really made for swimming because it's so shallow for a while. Logan had went out really far to deeper water, so I went out to get him, and there was a man and some kids, but they weren't as far as Logan. The man saw the shark and showed me, and it got maybe 1 foot away, so we high-tailed it closer to shore. I couldn't believe that I was that brave to be so close! That was when Logan realized he should have listened to me to go further in to shore. Later Aunt Melany told us that shallow water is their feeding grounds, and they like to eat when the sun begins to go down. So it made sense for a shark to be there. I think it was a little over 2 feet long! Yikes!

Today we went biking, and we're totally exhausted. Logan had horse riding lessons this morning, we're beat! I'm headed to the movies tonight with some girls that I met at church yesterday! Hooray!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Dreams do come true!!!

So today was one of the most awesome days of my life!

I SWAM WITH DOLPHINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok, I got that out of my system, but it was seriously amazing!

This morning at breakfast Aunt Melany told us that months ago she got spots for us to swim with the dolphins! I was so excited I don't think that I could speak, I couldn't believe it! So we drove out to the Keys and went to the Dolphin Research Center. We first got walked around and looked at some of the 19 dolphins that they have there and the 3 sea lions. We also watched a trainer train one of the dolphins.

Then we went off to our session.

We first got into the water with Marina, which is who I'm kissing in the above picture. But then we had to switch pools so the dolphins could play with each other. We then went in the pool with Talon, who is 18 yrs old and over 500 lbs! It was so awesome to swim and play with him!

We even got to give him commands and do imitations. My imitation was to dance together.

Then my command was for him to sit on his tail and go backwards!

After we swam with the dolphins, the day couldn't get any better, so we ate a neat little place called Herbie's then we went to a little beach. At the beach I got WAY too close to a shark and it was awesome and terrifying at the same time! We then took the long way back to the hotel, ate at Cracker Barrel and came back for a movie and bed time! It's the BEST DAY EVER!!!

Friday, June 19, 2009

So far so good!

So, today marks day 4 of Florida! We are trying to get into a routine, and figure out where things are. So far, not my ideal place to live, but I'll work with what I have. After a 3 day drive, it's nice to finally be here! We drove straight from Spokane Wa. to Ft. Lauderdale Fl. and it was quite the drive! Today Logan and I rode our bikes for about 14.5 miles. It was long and hot, but we did it! We will probably be riding at least that every day! Today we saw some ducks waddling along the sidewalk, so I took a picture! Aren't they cute?

Here's a picture of the outside!

It's a nice place, and we have a little kitchenette! More pics to come!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Something new!

So I have decided to begin my own blog! Ta-da! I'm here in sometimes sunny Fort Lauderdale, and it seemed like a good idea, so I'm having a go! Wish me luck!